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but the wealthy and not what you know that they're so easy to confuse is that the white bending on the tail, the white bands are figure than the black banks. and you can kind to see once the latest autumn, like greenish tinge, you see that now people often confuses for western diamond back, because you see the pattern on its back looks just like diamonds. there are little more oval and shape when i woke up, and i thought, oh yeah, swing a western diamond back until i saw that tail and realized, get some hobby and most dangerous rattle snakes out here. 当然,景宫也是一个比较负责任的小编专门给你们特地去找了几张更清晰的照片做辨别参考学习。那么现在我们就知道了,这条蛇就是响尾蛇家族中毒性最强的莫哈维响尾蛇毒性最强。这一点说法虽然缺乏考证,但是他性情比较凶猛,有袭击人的习性。所以大家遇到这样的蛇还是赶紧跑吧,别招惹他。最后狼叔给我们介绍完这条蛇就放生了。下期视频更精彩,记得关注哟。

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